You talk, and we listen. We listen deeply to your needs, concerns and ideas through each step of the process, just as we listen to our storytellers during our story circles, in order to determine the best approach to meet your group's goals. In fact, if your goals are still taking shape, that's great. We love it when our partnerships begin at the early conception stages.

Needs Analysis

We will discuss your objectives with you at length and learn about the context of your work, the activities you are interested in, and the resources you possess. You may choose to host a single digital storytelling workshop or to build capacity for ongoing digital storytelling within your organizations or networks. We help you build a vision for what will be both meaningful and realistic.

Project Planning

Once a framework for your project has been established, we work with you to create appropriate proposals, work plans, staffing recommendations, and timelines. Our breadth of experience enables us to assist, anticipate, and address potential challenges and focus on success.


We have the capacity and experience to carry out a wide range of program components. Not only do we lead workshops, train trainers, and assist with story distribution via multiple traditional and social media platforms, we also develop curricula and training materials to accompany stories, organize and facilitate community screenings and dialogue sessions, document and publicize project accomplishments, and conduct qualitative evaluation research to explore outcomes.


We believe in sustaining a relationship with you over time. This means that we stay in touch once your project has been completed to keep up to date with how it has impacted both your storytellers and story viewers. Our relationship may be short-term, but it may last for years and include multiple workshops, facilitator trainings, and materials development activities. We do our best to connect you with like-minded groups, and we function as a hub of information and resources about digital storytelling around the world.